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  1. Control of modular tissue flows shaping the embryo in avian gastrulation
    G. Serrano Nájera*, A. M. Plum*, B. Steventon, C. J. Weijer and M. Serra
    (submitted) biorxiv:2024.07.04.601785 [

  2. Control of epiblast cell fate by mechanical cues
    C. Guillot*, Y. Djeffal*, M. Serra*, and O. Pourquié

    submitted) biorxiv:2024.06.24.600402 [PDF

  3. Mechanochemical pre-gastrulation patterning mechanisms in the chick embryo
    S. Santhosh,
    M. Chuai, C. J. Weijer and M. Serra 

  4. Activity-driven extracellular volume expansion drives vertebrate axis elongation
    A. Michaut, A. Mongera, A. Gupta,
    M. Serra,..., O. Pourquie
    biorxiv:2022.06.27.497799 [PDF

  5. Zebrahub - Multimodal Zebrafish Developmental Atlas Reveals the State Transition Dynamics of Late Vertebrate Pluripotent Axial Progenitors
    M. Lange,..., M. Serra, N. Neff, A.O. Pisco, and L.A. Royer
    Cell (in press) (2024) [

  6. Optimal Control of Short-Time Attractors in Active Nematics
    C. Sinigaglia, F. Braghin, and M. Serra
    PRL 132, 218302 (2024) [PDF]     

  7. A mechanochemical model recapitulates distinct vertebrate gastrulation modes                                                        M. Serra, G. S. Nájera, M. Chuai, A. M. Plum, S. Santhosh, V. Spandan, C. J. Weijer, and L. Mahadevan        Science Advances 9.49 (2023) [PDFFeatured image in Science Advances, UCSD News

  8. Reconstruction of distinct vertebrate gastrulation modes via modulation of key cell behaviors in the chick embryo
    M.Chuai*, G. S. Nájera*, M. Serra, L. Mahadevan, and C. J. Weijer                                             
    Science Advances 9.1 (2023) [PDF]  

  9. Defect-mediated dynamics of coherent structures in active nematics
    M. Serra, L. Lemma, L. Giomi, Z. Dogic, and L. Mahadevan
    Nature Physics 1-7 (2023) [PDF]  

  10. Spike formation theory in three-dimensional flow separation
    S. Santhosh, H. Qin, B. F. Klose, G. B. Jacobs, J. Vétel, and M. Serra          
    J. Fluid Mech. 969, A25 (2023) [PDF    

  11. Optimal Locomotion for Limbless Crawlers
    S. Santhosh and M. Serra

     106,024610 (2022) [PDF

  12. Detecting Lagrangian coherent structures from sparse and noisy trajectory data
    ​S. Molawi, M. Serra, E. Maiorino, and L. Mahadevan
    J. Fluid Mech.
     948, A4. (2022)  [PDF] 
    Python code available here                                                                       

  13. Optimal policies for mitigating pandemic costs: a tutorial model
    M. Serra*, S. al-Mosleh*, S Ganga Prasath*, V. Raju*, S. Mantena, J. Chandra, S. Iams, and L. Mahadevan
    Physical Biology, 19 055001 (2022) [PDFMATLAB code available here                                                                    

  14. Horizontal transport in oil-spill modeling
    R. Duran, T. Nordam, M. Serraand C. Barker 
    Elsevier, In Marine Hydrocarbon Spill Assessments, pp. 59-96., (2021)  [PDF]

  15. A Measure of Morphodynamics
    M. Serra
     and L. Mahadevan
    SIAM News, vol. 54, n. 03, April (2021) [PDF]

  16. Objective early identification of kinematic instabilities in shear flows                                                                      B. F. Klose*, M. Serra*and G. B. Jacobs                                                                                                  arXiv:2009.05851 [PDF]                                                                                                                                                

  17. Finite-time Lyapunov exponents in the instantaneous limit and material transport
    P. Nolan, M. Serra, and S. Ross
    Nonlinear Dynamics, 1-28  (2020) [PDF

  18. Search and rescue at sea aided by hidden flow structures
    M. Serra, P. Sathe, I. Rypina, A. Kirincich, S. Ross, P. Lermusiaux, A. Allen, T. Peacock, and G. Haller 
    Nature Communications, 11 2525 (2020). [PDF] MATLAB code available here 
    MIT News, ETH NewsUS NSF News, Scientific American,  BBC ScienceAMS   
    Science Journal for kids version

  19. Dynamic morphoskeletons in development
    M. Serra, S. Streichan, M. Chuai, C. J. Weijer, and L. Mahadevan
    PNAS 117.21 (2020) [PDF] - featured on Harvard SEAS News 

  20. Vortex boundaries as barriers to diffusive vorticity transport in two-dimensional flows
    S. Katsanoulis, M. Farazmand, M. Serra, and G. Haller 
    Physical Review Fluids, 5 024701 (2020) [PDFMATLAB code available here 

  21. The Kinematics of Lagrangian Flow Separation in External Aerodynamics
    B. F. Klose, G. B. Jacobs, and M. Serra 
    AIAA Journal, (2020) [PDF]


  22. Material spike formation in highly unsteady separated flows
    M. Serra, S. Crouzat, G. Simon, J. Vétel, and G. Haller
    J. Fluid Mech. 883 A30 (2019) [PDF 


  23. Variational Lagrangian formulation of the Euler equations for incompressible flow: A simple derivation
    M. Farazmand and M. Serra
    arXiv:1807.02726 (2018) [PDF]


  24. Exact Theory of Material Spike Formation in Flow Separation
    M. Serra, J. Vétel, and G. Haller
    J. Fluid Mech. 845 (2018) 51-92. [PDF]

  25. Uncovering the Edge of the Polar Vortex
    M. Serra, P. Sathe, F. Beron-Vera, and G. Haller
    J. Atm. Sci. 74 (11) 3871–3885, (2017). 
    Featured on Forbes - (31-01-19) 


  26. Efficient Computation of Null Geodesics with Applications to Coherent Vortex Detection
    M. Serra and G. Haller
    Proc. of the Royal Soc. A (2017) 473 20160807. [PDF] MATLAB code available here 
    Featured on the journal's cover page


  27. Forecasting Long-Lived Lagrangian Vortices from their Objective Eulerian Footprints
    M. Serra and G. Haller
    J. Fluid Mech. 813 (2017) 436-457. [PDF


  28. Objective Eulerian coherent structures
    M. Serra and G. Haller
    Chaos, 26 (2016) 053110. [PDF] Editor's pick 


  29. Dependent modal space control: Experimental test rig
    M. Serra, F. Ripamonti, and F. Resta
    J. Vibration and Control (2015): 1077546315616699. [


  30. Dependent modal space control
    M. Serra, F. Ripamonti, and F. Resta
    Smart Materials and Structures 22.10 (2013): 105004. 


  • PhD: A Geometric Approach to Coherent Structures in Complex Dynamical Systems [PDF]

  • MSc: A new control logic for Vibration Reduction of Smart Structures [PDF]


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